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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 119-238

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On Structure Preserving Reductions

Nancy Lynch and Richard J. Lipton

pp. 119-126

An Algorithm for Transitive Closure with Linear Expected Time

C. P. Schnorr

pp. 127-133

Observations on the Complexity of Generating Quasi-Gray Codes

Michael L. Fredman

pp. 134-146

Selecting the $K$th Element in $X + Y$ and $X_1 + X_2 + \cdots + X_m $

Donald B. Johnson and Tetsuo Mizoguchi

pp. 147-153

An $O(N \cdot \log N)$ Algorithm for a Class of Matching Problems

Nimrod Megiddo and Arie Tamir

pp. 154-157

On Good EOL Forms

H. A. Maurer, A. Salomaa, and D. Wood

pp. 158-166

Linear Languages and the Intersection Closures of Classes of Languages

Ronald V. Book and Maurice Nivat

pp. 167-177

Approximation Algorithms for Some Routing Problems

Greg N. Frederickson, Matthew S. Hecht, and Chul E. Kim

pp. 178-193

Rudimentary Predicates and Relative Computation

Celia Wrathall

pp. 194-209

Finite Capacity Queuing Systems with Applications in Computer Modeling

A. G. Konheim and M. Reiser

pp. 210-229

Parallel Computations in Graph Theory

Eshrat Reghbati (Arjomandi) and D. G. Corneil

pp. 230-237

Errata: On the Number of Multiplications Required for Matrix Multiplication

R. W. Brockett and D. Dobkin

p. 238